Home Home automation guides The Best Alexa Automations to Make Your Life Easier

The Best Alexa Automations to Make Your Life Easier

If you own an Amazon Echo or any other Alexa-enabled device, you know how powerful and convenient they can be for managing everything from your music to your smart home devices. But did you know that you can maximize their usefulness by setting up automations and routines? In this post, we'll explore some of the best Alexa automations to make your life easier.

What are Alexa Automations?

Alexa automations are a set of commands that are triggered either by a specific voice command or by a specific time of day. They allow you to automate certain tasks in your home, making your life easier and more convenient.

Setting Up Alexa Automations

To set up an Alexa automation, you will need to open the Alexa app on your phone. From there, go to Routines and select the "+" icon. You will be able to create a custom routine and assign a specific command to trigger the routine. You can also set the routine to run at specific times of day.

The Best Alexa Automations

Here are some of the best Alexa automations to make your life easier:

1. Good Morning

The Good Morning automation is perfect for those who have a hard time waking up in the morning. This automation will start your day off right by turning on your bedroom lights, playing your favorite music, and even giving you a morning briefing on the weather and news.

2. Bedtime

Are you someone who has trouble sleeping? The Bedtime automation can help you wind down at night by turning off your lights and playing relaxing music or nature sounds.

3. Home Security

The Home Security automation is great for peace of mind when you're away from home. You can set up an automation that turns on your outdoor lights and even plays a loud alarm if someone tries to break in.

4. Movie Night

There's nothing better than a movie night with family or friends. With the Movie Night automation, you can set up your Alexa-enabled devices to dim the lights, close the blinds, and turn on your TV.

5. Smart Home

The Smart Home automation is perfect for managing your smart home devices. You can set up an automation that turns off all the lights and locks your doors when you leave the house, or turn off your air conditioner when you leave a room.


Alexa automations are a game changer when it comes to managing your home and making your life easier. With these automations, you can streamline your daily routine and maximize the usefulness of your Alexa-enabled devices. Try out some of these automations for yourself and see how much time and effort you can save!

Posted on: Dec 6, 2021 Last updated at: May 4, 2023

Frequently asked questions

What are Alexa Automations?
Alexa Automations are pre-set commands that allow you to control smart devices in your home using voice commands and can help to simplify your daily routine.
What are the benefits of using Alexa Automations?
Using Alexa Automations can help relieve your mental burden, as some of the most menial tasks can be automated, saving you time and energy.
How can Alexa Automations make my life easier?
Alexa Automations can help to simplify your daily routine by taking care of tasks such as turning off lights, pre-heating the oven, or playing music when you wake up in the morning - all with voice commands.
Which Alexa Automations are the best for beginners?
A great way to get started with Alexa Automations is to create routines around Alexa Guard, like turning off all the lights when you leave the house, and setting up your Echo to notify you if an unusual sound is detected.
What are some advanced Alexa Automations?
Advanced Alexa Automations can enable you to control more devices with voice commands, like setting the temperature for your smart thermostat or making coffee using a smart coffee maker, all while getting ready in the morning.
How can I set up Alexa Automations?
You can set up Alexa Automations through the Alexa App. Simply enable routines, and the app will guide you through the setup process.
Can I have multiple Alexa Automations?
Yes, you can set up multiple Alexa Automations. The app is capable of creating as many routines as you would like, so you can fully customize your experience.
How can I troubleshoot if Alexa Automations are not working?
If Alexa Automations are not working, try restarting both the Alexa device and the device it's intended to control. Also, make sure that both devices are connected to the same network.
Do Alexa Automations work with all smart devices?
Alexa Automations work with most modern smart devices, although some old or out-of-date devices may not be compatible.
Are there any security concerns with using Alexa Automations?
While security concerns are always present when dealing with smart home devices, putting a password on your smart devices can help protect your information.